Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An Elmo Book Using The SmartNotebook App

I have been experimenting quite a bit this week with the SmartNotebook app for iPad. I am really enjoying the app. Using my favorite features of the app, I was able to begin adapting short stories for kids with Cortical Visual Impairment. The book below was created for one of my students who prefers to look at objects/pictures that are red and yellow and simple in display.
Another therapist I work with introduced him to Elmo, and needless to say Elmo has been our educational motivator ever since.

I used the shapes and photo features to create this book. I also added the sound feature to this book (sadly the sound was not able to be added to my screen shots) so my student's mother could record her voice reading each page. I uploaded the book to my Dropbox account and can use it for more kids in the future.

So far I am loving this app for creating books for children with visual impairments. You can easily adapt the size, color, and shape to almost anything.

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